Journeys of a Disney Comic

Shaun Craill shaun at
Sat Jun 10 07:21:23 CEST 2000

Dear All,

I received the first new Disney comic in English I have seen for over a
year on Friday, Gladstones WDC 623.  It was like Christmas in the middle
of the year!  The incredible thing was that it was posted 58 weeks ago!

There has been a bit or correspondence between myself and Gladstone about
this missing comic over the last year, with Gladstone finally saying that
they will not send out any more replacements to an address which clearly
wasn't any good.

Funny thing was that the comic I received was addressed without a city
location and was addressed to Australia when I live in a completely
different country; New Zealand!  This comic has travelled to a great many
places to get to me.  It has been to the states of New South Wales,
Queensland, Northern Territories, South Australia, Western Australia,
Victoria and Tasmania.

On the positive side I can report that the packaging Gladstone uses is
absolute top quality.  The comic was in very good condition considering
the length of time it has been in the postal system.

Should any of the other extra copies of this comic Gladstone tried to send
to me eventually turn up I will return them to Gladstone, maybe with an

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