African Disney Characters

Per-Erik Malmström pekka.malmstrom at
Thu Jun 29 05:35:07 CEST 2000

 >>   In the Life of Scrooge series there were some minor African characters whom Uncle Scrooge cheated out of their land.  The Witch Doctor then sent Bombie the Zombie after Scrooge.<<

Yup, that's from chapter eleven, The empire-builder from Calisota. These characters originally appeared in Carl Barks's Voodoo Hoodoo (OS 238-02 ). A classic image of Bombie the zombie is available at Daniel van Eijmeren's site: <>

Pam, there are black natives in many of Floyd Gottredson's strips, but as they are heavily caricatured, you won't find these comics uncensored in any recent publications. But you can find sample pages from at least two of them, at: <>; look at "In search of jungle treasure" and "Mickey Mouse Sails for Treasure Island".

Best wishes,

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