#98 - Rabbits

Anders Christian Sivebaek acsive at mail.mira.dk
Wed Mar 1 16:40:14 CET 2000

I love your reviews. And this one made me think that I haven't actually
read no. 8, execept for part 2 of that continued story. 
Imagine me sitting at the doctors reading that story. I started
sniffing, but I couldn't begin to cry I thought, people would look at
me. It really was so sad to see Scrooge at  that state, and it was
great to see him wake up again. 

B'rer Rabbit
That those stories and Hiawatha are banned in the US also confuses me.
What is political correctness? Not to show people how the
duckburg-world is? It doesn't consist of only whites and no Blacks or

Not showing the stories I wouldn't call PC, buit censorship in some
way, and that's one of the things that indicates a, excuse me... sick

BTW, it's extremely funny that those Rabbit story woiuld be banned
because one doesn't want to offend the black people. It was the black
slaves in the South who told those stories. Rabbit was then supposed to
be a smart black human and the bear and fox were the stupid white

Hiawatha is also a proud american poem (has Longfellow got anything to
do with this?). 
I don't see why Indians, Blacks or any other "race" would be offended
to see themselves in a comic, as long as they are carricated in a bad

Are all comics with Indians banned in the US? Does this mean you don't
see comic albums with Yakari, which are so great (But not

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