Komix #141

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Thu Mar 2 09:43:38 CET 2000

With a bit of a delay, here's what's in Komix #141 this month:

* A Donald Duck gag cover by Walt Kelly. You can see a scan at
  http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis/pics/komix141.jpg .
* A three-page article titled "In the Footsteps of MarcoPolo", subtitled
  "He was the Man with the millions. Now, a duck is following his
* Carl Barks' "Treasure of Marco Polo".
* A three-page article titled "The Story of Pinocchio", subtitled "Walt
  Disney's classic masterpiece closes 60 years of life this year."
* Don Rosa's "A Matter of Some Gravity".
* Floyd Gottfredson's "Aunt Marissa".
* A one-page collage of drawings by John Lotter (sp?) and Scott Seeto (sp?)
  titled "Disney's Great Ladies", Komix' contribution to Woman's Day on
  March 8. You can see a scan of this page at
  http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis/pics/komix141a.jpg .
* A four-page article titled "The Great American School", subtitled
  "The journey of comics on the other side of the Atlantic. (The Article's
  title is contrived, so that it is reminiscent of the Greek title of the
  "Police Academy" series of films.)
* A one-page article titled "From Cathay to Unsteadystan", subtitled
  "Carl Barks, uncle Scrooge, and the treasure of Marco Polo".

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis
"Small though it is, the human brain may be quite effective when used

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