Story analyses (Kriton Kyrimis)

Sven-Oliver Troschke troschke at
Thu Mar 9 10:05:47 CET 2000



> > Thanks to Kriton for putting the translation of the articles about
> > Gladstone here.
> > It makes me think that the editors are very wise and analytic.


> Some times I think that they are *too* analytical. E.g., last month's
> article on Gladstone's luck was over-analytical, not to mention that it
> repeated things that they had already mentioned in Don's interview a few
> pages earlier. Do we really need such articles that explain everything,
> leaving nothing to imagination? After all, you don't see similar articles
> at the end (or, heaven forbid, the beginning) of novels, explaining what
> it is that you have just read!!!

In German Disney publications we don't see any articles like this at all. The only
exception are Don's comments on his stories in our Rosa album series. I must say,
I should like to read such stuff more often here in Germany, but I realize that
there is hardly any title, where such things would fit.

One may debate if the latest article in Komix was too analytical or not. I myself
like to see a somehow 'scientific approach' to the area every once in a while.
Then, it is a matter of taste of how deep an analysis you prefer. Anyway, I think
you are quite lucky, that you have those articles in Greece.

And, of course, I am very grateful, that Kriton takes the labour of translating
these articles for us. It must be a lot of work. Thank you very much!


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