The finnish coin
Anders Christian Sivebaek
acsive at
Fri May 19 11:22:42 CEST 2000
Kari Lepola
> About "The Coin", I checked and, yes it is a bit pixelated, but so
> little that you have to look really
> closely.
Glad to hear this.
> In fact I hadn't noticed anything when I first
> read it, eventhough I read it several times. It is really
> great, I especially love the unique viewing angles.
I totally agree having read it in french, and being responsible
for that calendar I made for duckhunt around christmas.
BTW I am not planning to tell the unpublished-stories-administrator,
Sigvald to take the story away, as it has only been published in France
and Finland.
If we eventually see it in other countries as Germany Italy and the
egmont-.countries, It has no reason to be online anymore.
I know that AA is known to be a very nice magazine, with nice
Rosa-covers from time to time. Nevertheless the coloring is not a
special new one , of this Coin-story. They seem to have receioved the
coloured version from France whwere they colour the charecters spats
(feet-things) and clothes, and helpers the way you state. France also
coloured the greenbacks silver in that story, which is a little goof.
I'm surprised that AA didn't recolor the story into the normal
scandinavian colours, which would be normal to do.
Janne Heino
Why was Janne's mesaage seen again, it's the same one from the 4th of
It really is too bad that the list came out on a weekly basis for some
time this month... if it hadn't maybe we would have heard of the
finnish coin before, and not now when it's way out of the stands
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