Thanks for help and $ or F or £

timo ronkainen timoro at
Tue May 23 14:15:43 CEST 2000


Thanks to all who (wunderwurm at -
Stefan Persson <reimersholme at> -
Jenny Iversen) helped me with the DD-story!
quite amazing how so clumsy artwork got printed in 1952, when Westerns 
standards were pretty high level. Maybe it was done by somebodys nephew ;)

About the question, which currency symbol should be on Scrooges bin:
IMO the dollar sign is the only one, since Scrooge IS US citizen. Otherwise 
it can be left empty.
I´d find it rather disturbing if there´d be "MK" (as for finnish markka)in 
Finnish edition (I guess in some cases there was).

If anyone needs scans of Finnish D-comics stuff I might provide some.

Timo R

"Rumble on, buxom bumble bee!
Go sit on cowslip - far from me!"

timoro at

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