Early Gladstones
Eta Beta
eega at supereva.it
Wed May 24 18:40:39 CEST 2000
>> ...what, pray tell, are the first appearances of *Gladstone* by
>> someone other than Carl Barks? I know the (1951) fishing
>> contest story we
>> lately discussed must have been one of the first, but is
>> there anything earlier?
>I found one Scrooge story, just a few months earlier:
>W OS 353-04 6 BMo US
>[desc:The missing dollar] [xapp:US,GL,GD] [ser:Album]
>(DD Album Four Color 353, dated November 1951, 6 pages, art Moore, featuring
>Scrooge, Gladstone and Grandma.)
>The Fishing Contest story was in Donald Duck Four Color 379, dated March
There's also W CP 4-02 (Uncle Scrooge's Generous Deed), 11/52, a very
brief appearance, of the sort we call "cameo" (in fact, it's not recorded
in Inducks yet)
>As far as we know, the first non-Barks story with Gladstone in WDC is in
>1961 (WDC 247)!
But there's a Bradbury one in W DD 28-04 (apple slogans), from 3/53,
and he was used in Italy as early as 1952, the first I've found is
I AO 52369-A Paperino e i due marziani, by Anzi, 12/52
Eta Beta
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