SV: Brother Scrooge and Sister Grandma, a workaround? bror.hellman at
Thu May 25 10:33:55 CEST 2000

> > Still, I find it a pity that there's no European comic using 
> > the English language. Is the market really to[o]
> > small for that?
> How many European (non-British) children like to read their 
> comics in the English language?

Actually.. I have had thoughts in that direction myself...
Not for the average kids... that would only sell in England, 
english speaking countries and perhaps to English schools
around Europe...

No, I have long longed for a more "mature" Disney comic
for Donaldists (i.e. fans like us) and in that perspective
I presume just Sweden is not anough of a market, but a
pan-european Disney comic in English would perhaps find
enouch readers to bear itself... especially if Egmont, 
or some other large publisher would sell it across the

Well... I suppose it's only a dream... But I really truly
feels that such a magazine would sell worldwide and perhaps
not be the largest and most commercially successfull, but I 
think it at least can bear it's own costs in a year or two.
I suppose there are so many snags.. Like Disney Comic licensing
in some countries... There propably isn't any publisher who
can publish a Disney comic in every country without offending
the regular Disney rights-holder of some country or another...

Well.. somewhere deep within.. I have a hope that my dream 
can be realized... and that perhaps there are enough fans 
out there to make it come through...  Because be assured...
This kind of project will come from fans and not a company...

So if anyone meets with the Egmont owners some day by coincidence, 
just tell them about my dream and say them that I immediately seek
emplyment as their editor for that magazine.. :-)

        Steamboat Willie

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