All: Another Fethry story on the Web...

Arthur Faria Jr. arthurfaria at
Fri May 26 05:28:02 CEST 2000

    I put another Fethry spin-off story on
the Web:

    B 840033 Fethry Kid "How a brave is born"

    where an (official?) version of Fethry kid's
origin is told (nothing to do with his first
origin as a FE's comic strip hero for US' newspaper).


>Thanks Arthur for posting the Fethry and Historia do Computador comics
>on the web.  They're great.  The Historia one reminds me of a comic
>published in the 1950's called Donald in Mathmagicland, that describes
>the history of mathmatics in a similar way.

    Thank you, Sonia. But the "História do Computador" story
is being uploaded by Pedro Cravo.


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