Definite day of publication of Carl Bark's S.I.N. story

Paolo Castagno p.castagno at
Fri Nov 10 08:47:51 CET 2000

Georgios Balanikas wrote:
> Update for the definite day of "Somewhere in Nowhere " story publication:
> It will be between 16th and 20th of November and it will be presented at the
> Expocomic Show in Rome.

I'll surely be there (BTW, is there any other list member who
will visit Expocartoon?)!

> It is a great possibility that Patrick Block himself will be present.

May I ask you where yuor news are from? (Just curious).

> This edition will be hardbound (third in the Il Tresori series), bilingual
> ,Italian and English, including also an article about the artists and how
> the story was made with some roughs with CB notes.

And please let me add that in the previous 2 issues the articles
were very interesting, and the "editorial" look was also very

  - Paolo

--  mailto:p.castagno at
"Per la Martina! E' un esplosivo incontrollabile!"
(Archimede in S 72147)

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