Expocartoon (2,3,4,5)

Paolo Castagno p.castagno at libero.it
Mon Nov 20 12:16:04 CET 2000

Hello again,

I have the strong feeling that many of you are especially
interested in "Somewhere in nowhere", the last Barks story, that
was presented to the public for the first time... well, what to

It will surely soon published anywhere (well, except USA,
maybe...) so I won't spoil you the plot, I'll just tell you that
it is settled in one of the coldest places on Earth.

The story is good, and also the drawings... but it seems to me (a
Very Humble Opinion) a story with no "anima" in it, it just has
not the feelings that come from a Barks story... 

I have my idea about it, but I want to read it once more before
saying anything.

BTW, Block's art is good: I didn't know this artist (his works
aren't published in Italy, yet) and I hope to see something more
from him, maybe on "Zio Paperone".

There was also an exhibition devoted to Topolino, the main
Italian Disney publication, presenting some original artworks
from issues not very old, maybe starting from 1974. There were
also reproduction of covers.

Between the non-Disney exhibition, the most interesting ones were
the ones devoted to Cinzia Ghigliano, a young artist working for
important Italian comic magazines, and to Batman, with original
interpretations from many Italian artists.

As at the same, Disney Italia, played the game with its own
rules: the Disney room was the **only one** in the whole
exhibition where the artists weren't in direct contact with
people, but were closed in a room with a transparent wall where
the people could look at them... how sad!! Are they scared by
fans?? I still remember Giovan Battista Carpi being simply
talking **outside** this room years ago with his fans, and
providing them with drawings!!!!!

BTW, the artist trapped in this room was Alessio Coppola, an
interesting artist, who was drawing pages for the story
"Gambadilegno e la fuga da Altacraz" (yes, they used the name
"Altacraz" like Scarpa did in one of his most beautiful stories),
and the interesting thing is that the title was in English: "Big
Bad Pete and the escape from Altacraz"... I was going to ask him
why... but I don't know the deaf language, so I couldn't ask him
behind the glass!!!

  - Paolo

http://members.xoom.it/inducks  mailto:p.castagno at libero.it
"Poi, con gli atomi di un bicchierino di whisky,... saro' padrone
del mondo!"
(Gambadilegno in I TL  206-A)

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