new Barks pre-comic work found (similar to eye-opener) SRoweCanoe at
Wed Nov 22 03:27:58 CET 2000

well, I just found another "lost" Carl Barks pre-comics work, in the first 
issue of "Old Nick's Annual T.N.T. " is a poem and illustration bylined "Carl 
Barks" .  
  There are some other illustrations that I had wondered about before I found 
the signed work
  There is no date in this magazine, but it includes stories about Mae West, 
Major Bowles Amateur Hour, and the Spanish Civil War.  I have a fair 
collection of 20s and 30s adult joke books, and this is the rawest stuff that 
i've seen yet (except for tijuana bibles).  
  Published by Nickerson Publishing Company, 419 South Third Street, 

Steven Rowe
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