Where to get Disney Comics

Doukakis, Mark (NBC) Mark.Doukakis at nbc.com
Tue Sep 12 21:25:58 CEST 2000

Can any kind soul out in DCML land give me some tipson where I can get duck
and mouse Disney comix(original English text) from Gold Key to most
recentGladstone (incl. CARL BARKS IN COLOUR) at reasonableprices in these
cities (or their vicinity)??

If you have access to computer in Tokyo, you're best bet is ebay,  the
international online auction house. Three words of caution: It is addictive.
Also, try the following web sites for recent back-issues:



As far as reasonable prices go, you have to be the judge. If you're not too
concerned with the condition of the books you can find some decent deals on

Good luck!
Mark Doukakis

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