The Coin (Goldie) , Don Rosa Quiz (Hint)
mouse-ducks at
Tue Apr 3 22:36:54 CEST 2001
>>Panel 9 on that same page tells in the French edition
>>that Donald and Daisy was at her house doing something
They were not at Daisy's, just going there-- "and while we-- er--"
>>On page 12 panel 6 Goldie is talking of hard work, in
>>French she was tired from his night work [...]
>>No relationship (of love) should be hinted. They could ask,
>>what did they do at night? Why did he pay her 15 kroner
>>(in the Danish version)? Isn't that extremely much?
>>What else has she done apart from digging Gold?
Er-- I'm afraid that's an adult version of the story you have ; )
Picsou Magazine 333, "The Coin", p 12 panel 6:
"Ah oui? Eh bien *voilà* ce que je pense de toi et de ton
travail à la noix!" (she throws the coins in Scrooge's face)
"Oh yeah? Well *here* 's what I think of you and your
lousy job!"
noix: walnut
à la noix: a collocation that conveys your derogatory opinion
of something in a mild manner
No allusion to night (nuit) whatsoever.
>>she was tired from his night work, which is a
>>reference to the reason of censorship of the original
>>Barks comic about Goldie.
The ballrom brawl was censored and I suppose the image
of Scrooge carrying away Goldie was deemed incorrect too.
But no inuendo there either:
(p 15, panel 3) "And there at my digging I made her work for a month!"
(p 15, panel 4) "When the month was up I paid her off!
Don Rosa copied the left half of this panel (Scrooge
paying Goldie-- and he paid her *50* cents a day! not *30*)
and the next one, adding a bit of scenery
Don Rosa Quiz #1:
"The Lone Ranger!"
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