Anders: Dutch Rosas, Harry

Fluks, H.W. H.W.Fluks at
Thu Apr 5 11:25:33 CEST 2001


> What i mean by horrid is overdrawn, and eg. the family
> tree where Hortense was suddenly baking so you
> couldn't see her, and Quackmore was reading the paper
> Quagmire seemed to be a tractor! (Or was he in the
> tractor). If they don't want the readers to see those
> important persons on the tree, why publish it?

The Dutch editors didn't want to show the characters that are not originally
from a Barks story.

> > I *did* see some horrible covers drawn by
> > Rosa himself, so I can
> > understand that the editors don't use them.
> Well, as my kind of fan of Rosa I wouldn't say I find
> any of his covers horrid, only the overdrawn ones.

So "your kind of fan" thinks *everything* Rosa does is wonderful? I wouldn't
even say that about the work of Barks! I'm not a blind admirer of a person's
I guess this makes us different "kinds of fan"...


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