
Ole Reichstein Nielsen cft3515 at vip.cybercity.dk
Tue Apr 10 22:26:45 CEST 2001

It seems that next to Star Trek, Mike Oldfield's music is
the next-most common OT-favorite of Disney fans.
Scientists are baffled at the phenomenon. :-)

Another curious coincidence is the cooperation between
Mike Oldfield and Finnish composer Pekka Pohjola (see
http://www.ommadawn.dk/mou/pekka.html )

We have a list member by the name of Mike Pohjola(!!)
and I wonder if the name is the Finnish equivalent of
"Jones" or there's some family relation or such?

I own a record by Oldfield/Pohjola but no record player. :-(

-- Ole  (trying to decide what goes in a 1 X 1 X 2 foot box
         for a stay of undecided length on a desert island.)

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