Currencies and Colors

Apostolis Trikourakis komixgreekpage at
Wed Apr 11 00:41:18 CEST 2001

Hi all

A few words about Scrooge's money:

In Greece we don't have problems with Euro, as long as
it concerns Scrooge's money: He's using dollars
insteed of Euro, drachmas or whatever! And the Bin
have a big $, as Scrooge's symbol.

Also, the color of the coins is gold like years and
years now. I think it's an old tradition, coloring the
coins only gold and never silver... The only story
with silver coins in Greece that I can remember is
Don's "Cash Flow" on Komix.
I wonder how Komix will draw the "Coin" story... that
coin must be silver, not gold...
Best Wishes

Apostolis Trikourakis, Athens, Greece
E-mail: komixgreekpage at
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