What will the future bring
Francesco Spreafico
frspreaf at tin.it
Tue Apr 17 23:54:27 CEST 2001
From: "Søren Krarup Olesen" <raptus at stofanet.dk>
> I certainly would like to do so, but who cares if I find Valerio Held
> genious or likewise.
Oh, pretty please! I hope likewise (Well, *you* asked for discussions!
He draws huge hats! I'll never understand why he makes them so huge, a
normal head would fall into those hats!
Besides that, he's quite a Gatto's clone after all, isn't it?
> It doesn't have any effect, since no one knows
> this guy anyway (except for a few Italians).
Well, no I think his stories are translated in all Europe, and south
america, aren't they?
> Similarly, I think that
> Antonio Bancells might be one of the worst artists ever, taking into
> consideration the emmence influence he has had (and still has) on
> material for decades. Although I probably could write many pages on
> why I find this or that artist/writer brilliant or not, no one would
> ever care. Tony Bancells has probably drawn more pages than most other
> artists (including Don), but this fact stands unconcerned.
Even Giuseppe Perego has drwon tons of pages, this doesn't make him a
great artist (even though I have to say I appreciate many of his stories
very much, and I'm sometimes tempted to find his name in the Phone book
and go check if he's still among us, and chat a bit, since his hometown
is not very far from here)
> There are two possibilities here, either 1) Tony is a heck of a
> genious, no reason to comment on his splendid art, or 2) Tony's art is
> so terrible, that there is no reason to comment on this IMO utterly
> boring art. So, which one is it? Surely, this mailing list won't
> disclose the answer.
Lemme go see who this Bancelles is..
f/p45 ABc d1|d D >ABC.txt ;-)
Oh, Geez.. well, I choose answer number 2 :-)
> Could it be, that although pocket books sell quite well in Europe,
> list members feel that this material is not worth mentioning, only for
> the reason that Rosa/Barks stories are rarely printed here?
Uh? Why care at all about that? I don't think that could be a "reason".
> Do pocket books contain stories that are too low, display art so
> hideous to the eye and stories so badly written, that using the word
> "art" itself is questionable. I think not.
I do, recently, but I don't think that happens on "pocket books".. I
mean that's not related to the layout. (For example many PKNA are awful,
and they're not pocket books)
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