Fabio Celoni DD (Dylan Dog and Donald Duck) Artist
Francesco Spreafico
frspreaf at tin.it
Wed Apr 18 19:49:37 CEST 2001
From: "Luca Boschi" <cnotw at zen.it>
> Well, I can tell you that now Celoni is drawing the Italian hit "Dylan
> a very popular horror title.I look forward that book. The Sergio
> editor M. Marcheselli contacted Fabio after appreciating his job in the
> Faraci's book "Topolino Noir".
Now this is really interesting! Since Faraci too will be writing for Dylan
Dog (didn't he say so at those public meetings?) it seems to me that
Bonelli is "stealing" (so to say) artists from disney.
I never like Dylan Dog but I'll certainly be buying these issues, at least
out of curiosity... I do think that Celoni might do a great job on DD
(Dylan Dog, not Donlad Duck ;-)
BTW, about "Topolino Noir"... those black and white reprints on good
quality paper (not glossy, I hate glossy paper) made parreciate for the
first time ever a Celoni's story and a Mottura's one!
Ia had actually forgot to mention this detail previously.. glossy paper
make stories look worse than they actually are, and "Topolino" is printed
with glossy paper)
(I do hope "glossy" is the right term... i mean that kind of paper that
reflects light, leaving you unable to read a comic in front of a lamp...)
http://digilander.iol.it/sgrizzo (Scarpa)
http://heinlein.cjb.net (RAH)
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