The liar and thief, Mr. Totti
Angelo Toti
donald313us at
Fri Apr 20 15:43:19 CEST 2001
>I encourage all whose pages have been stolen by the
liar and thief, Mr.
>Totti, to SHOW him what can be done about it, by
filling out the form found
I have taken off my pages. What do you want more? Do
you want to arrest me? Are you a cop?
>Yes, it is a matter of respect. But it is also a
matter of right and
>wrong -- and of legally enforceable rights.
Because of course all laws are good laws.
The biggest catastrophes (WWII) came because of the
same reasoning.
People blindly following laws, even if that means
murders or worse.
I don't mind about your laws. So many internet users
break them, do you want to put them all in jail?
Don Rosa:
>But hey, speakin' of crap, have we ever seen anyone
as full of the stuff as
>Angelo Toti/Totti? Wotta laff riot!!!
Is it just normal and natural in your country to
publicly insult people like that?
Aah, and, Harry Fluks:
>You have some strange points of view, and lots of
your reasoning doesn't
>make sense at all.
It's easy to say "you have some strange points of
view"... "lots of your reasoning"... "doesn't make
sense". Without saying anything on what sentences
"don't make sense".
>> The internet will always be a big mess where you
>> find pirated softwares, copyrighted music, games
(to name
>> the three most populars) etc. for free. That is not
extravagant, that is the
>> truth.
>When you write "will always be", that's a prediction.
Therefore it cannot be
>"the truth", since we don't know the future yet.
When I say "tomorrow, 1 + 1 will still equal 2" this
is a prediction, and this is also the truth.
The error in your reasoning is at the last part of
your sentence: "we don't know the future yet". We do
know part of what the future will be.
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