Søren: Artist Samples, Igayara

Fernando Ventura fernandopventura at uol.com.br
Mon Apr 23 01:12:21 CEST 2001

>Oh, that goes back a few years, when Alberto Beccatini posted a message
>to the indexers mailing list. Alberto wrote that Souza drew a couple of
>stories with José Carioca in the late 60s, and the story in question S
>69076 didn't look like anything else I had seen before, so I just
>guessed on Souza.

So Alberto probably knows Igayara...!

He drew AND wrote and INKED, in fact! :)
I'm indexing his histories with Arthur Faria Jr, and I can say that probably
al the stories from the Inducks with credits to him as an artist, goes to
him as a writer too! He is very good with gags and little histories!
The most big problem in indexign his comics was that he drew some of then
togheter with another artist, Izomar Camargo Guilherme and, thanks to my
"don't complete" collection, I can not check with him al of the stories!

But, he, hinself, taked a look on the Inducks, and sad to me that al of the
one's listed there are wroten by him!
In any way, I wil print the list, and check the titles with him, name by
name, and just after this Arthur will confirm this on the brazilian
database! The better way to discovery the artists behind Disney Comics:
Asking for then! :)

About the "S-coded", I can confirm some of then as made by Igayara:

S 69076   8  SG  Super-"gooberoobas"
Super Amendoizadas-Writer, drawer and inker

S 69077   7  SG  With Nothing But A Sword
Com Espada e sem mais nada-Writer, drawer and inker

S 69078   4  JOC The Barrel-organ Of Hamelin (?)
O Realejo de Hamelin, I don't remember this one, but I suppose is by him,

S 69079   6  JOC Worms In The Head
Minhocas na Cabeça, Yes

S 69080   6  JOC The King Of Ye-ye-ye
O Rei do Ie Ie Ie, Yes

S 69081   8  JOC Super-secret Agent

S 69082  10  JOC Who's Afraid Of Virgillio Golfe? (Yes)
Quem tem medo de Virgilio Golfe? Yes

S 69083   4  JOC Bawwwww!
Buááááá! Yes

S 69084  10  SG  Macduck's Collapse
A Falência do Tio Patinhas, yes, but I've never read this one, he talked to
me about it!

S 69085   5  JOC Something From Another World
If this is one that Joe Carioca go to the Space, with Nestor, and bring
lot's of Gold Eggs, yes, probably togheter with Izomar on the draw!

S 69086  11  HDL Unburied Treasure (I completely don't know this one! The
Inducks don't have any publication of it, to help!)


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