The liar and thief, Mr. Totti

Kevin Clark magicianzero at
Mon Apr 23 04:53:08 CEST 2001

>From: Angelo Toti <donald313us at>
>To: dcml at
>Subject: Re: The liar and thief, Mr. Totti
>Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 06:43:19 -0700 (PDT)
>Because of course all laws are good laws.
>The biggest catastrophes (WWII) came because of the
>same reasoning.
>People blindly following laws, even if that means
>murders or worse.

*klaxon blares*
You have invoked the Third Reich.  Godwin's Law, which originated online and 
governs flame wars, now applies.  You have just lost this argument.

>I don't mind about your laws. So many internet users
>break them, do you want to put them all in jail?

As many as we can catch in the act, Angelo.  As many as we can catch in the 

>Don Rosa:
> >But hey, speakin' of crap, have we ever seen anyone
>as full of the stuff as
> >Angelo Toti/Totti? Wotta laff riot!!!
>Is it just normal and natural in your country to
>publicly insult people like that?

And is it normal or natural in your country, Angelo, to steal so 

I do believe Charles Schultz put it best:
"Good grief!"
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