I need help with some details...

Olivier mouse-ducks at wanadoo.fr
Mon Apr 23 14:23:54 CEST 2001

Hi Olaf!

>>I have read somewhere that her name is Garè

Right. The accent is the other way round: Garé
(clock hand pointing to -- wow! guess what time it is as I'm writing
this? 1:07 pm. And that's exactly how it looks!)

>>HOW was Little Helper invented?

Geoffrey Blum wrote something about Helper in GG album 6
of the CBL in Color ("A Glance at Gyro's Helper"):

"Did Gyro invent Helper? In Barks' tales the subject never arises.
Yet when Gyro attempts to constryct other mecahnical men he
comes up with much clunkier, more limited creations. The implicit
sophistication of  Helper's design and programming would seem
to be far beyond what Gyro is capable of in this area. Given this, one
might wonder if  maybe Helper just showed up on Gyro's doorstep,
an electromechanical foundling of  unknown origin that the inventor
welcomed into his home."

I'm very curious to see  your version will be-- and hope I will get to see it.

>>Gearloose-inventions [...] WHICH ONES SHOULD I USE?

0/    Problem: Helper appears in most of  the stories, so the inventions he "whips up"
                         in those are post-Helper. So it would have to be things that appear in
                         the background of  these stories  which may have been discarded for
                        quite a while. Here are the inventions we see in previous stories.
                        (I hope I'm not forgetting anything)
00/    May 1952 (WDC&S 140, "Gladstone's Terrible Secret"): Enter Gyro Gearloose,
         hopping around on a pogo stick-- but he did not invent it and gave it away to Gladstone.
1/    Naturally, there's the Think-Boxes of  WDC&S 141 (June '52). But we first see
        Gyro driving "[his] new jet-powered *baggage buggy*", "[which] runs two blocks on a
        a quart of  fire-crakers" tied to the(single) huge back wheel.
2/    DD 26:    "Hobblin' Goblins" (Nov '56). Gyro invents a Goblin foiler. And there's this
                        huge machinery he uses to make it that might be used for something else.
3/    WDC&S 152:    "The Talking Dog" (May '53).
4/    WDC&S 153:    "Worm Weary" (June '53)-- worm farm.
5/    In WDC&S 171 ("The Too-Safe Safe", Dec '54), Gyro invents Impervi-Wax,
       a super wax nothing can pierce, tear or burn into. U$ uses it to make an Impervi-Wax
       "Money Case".
6/    WDC&S 183:    "The Custard Gun"-- a harmless gun for hunting (Dec '55).
7/    There's also the "Power Plant" box that traps lightning (U$ 13, March '56).
8/    The bubble-gum bush (I like that one), the foam stone he uses to build a wall,
        and the the "super-speed gasoline" he invents for his friend Speedy in U$ 14
        (June '56, "Inventor of Anything")
9/    Helper makes his first entrance in the next issue of  U$ (15, Sept '56, "The Cat Box").

Hope it can be of  some help.


How are you going to draw Gyro? As he looks now or as he looked in the earlier stories?
We could imagine he really did change a bit (lost weight), and it might help root the story
in the past.

PS #2:
Scans when I can (catchy little phrase, ain't it?).
Might as well use them to open a "Gyro's Workshop" section on my site...
I had thought of  this at some point, actually.

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