Re 503 second half
Anders Christian Siveb¾k
anders_sivebaek at
Tue Apr 24 16:53:56 CEST 2001
>ODD BJARNE POULSEN" <skovro at>
>One of the things I love, when reading a story with scenes taking place
>in Gyro's lab is to look for NEW inventions...
>You are the writer - and supposed, in my opinion, to invent new
Hmm. IMO I don't agree with this. I would love to see references to old
inventions, invented by Barks, the once-was real life Gyro Gearloose. I
write this as a reference to Barks himself thinking Gyro was the best
picture of himself in the Duckburg Universe apart from a certain sportsman
looking like him, and certain wanted-posters.
>From: "Aliste, MaTeresa" <MaTeresa.Aliste at>
>I´m not interested in receiving more information from you,so please dont
>send me more mails to this mail account,
Would it be an insult to laugh at this? It's quite too easy to
unsubscribe, just read the top of the mail.
>From: "Olivier" <mouse-ducks at>
>>>Another expression you have used is ... forgot it, but it's in Once and
>>>Future duck part 2, at the very last panel. Donald used the same line in
>>>one of the earlies WDC's by Barks, the knight in armor/snow-story.
>OhyesOhyesOhyes! I like that one!
> WDC&S 41 (Feb '44, "The Duck in the Iron Pants") (p 9 panel 2)
>(album 2)
>& "The Once and Future Duck" (part 2, last page, last panel) (WDC&S
>608, Feb 97):
>"Nothing can save you from me!
>I am invincible!
>I am Doom itself!"
Thanks for reminding me of the english dialogue. I don't think the danish
editor took the time to find this reference.
Maybe he didn't know about it, and if so, I already know why.
>-- I recall a Barks onepager in which Scrooge uses a coin-operated weight.
>The Danish version gave his weight as 10 kg, I don't know about the
also the Snafu. You have a point wondering why this went through, even the
danish censoring when words like shut up resulted in stories not being
made, and that letter from barks. telling that the next time that mother
was reading a story to her son, he would see to it that it was so boring
her little sneezing son would fall asleep on page 2!
>Funny. In the Dutch measure system, a pound ("pond") usually is 1/2 kg. So
>20 pounds = 10 kg. Maybe the Danish translator thought the "pounds" were
>kg too?
No, he didn't think it, he simply knew that one dansih pound is half a kg.
My grandma used the term all the time. She wouldn't eg. buy a certain
amount og kg's of strawberries, she bought poiunds of strawberries, they
are still mostly sold by the ½-kilo in Denmark, but theyb use that term
now, even though it's silly. I would like a ½-kg of strawberries.
I wasn't aware one english pound 8of weight) wasn't exactly ½ a kg...
(93 kg or lower at the moment I hope)
I thought i saw someone writing to Kriton about Barks having 2 or 3
mariages, I think it was 3, but he only had children from the first one,
as fas I know. He at least had a daughter in the frist mariage, who passed
away too early.
Anders Christian Sivebæk
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