How to pronounce snafu

Halsten Aastebol Halsten.Aastebol at
Thu Apr 26 08:51:56 CEST 2001

At 07:01 25.04.01 -0700, Donald Markstein wrote:

>Accent on the first syllable. A as in "alley cat", U as in "Brutopia". And
>the F doesn't really stand for "Fouled" -- that's just what they told me
>when I was a kid.
>Quack, Don

OK, so it WAS actually quite simple. I just thought that didn't sound like 

Shelley Hanson wrote:
>sna -- the "a" is like the A in "rat" (rather nasal sounding)    fu -- like
>accent is on "fu" -- sna FOO

Seems to be a little disagreement about where to put the accent though!



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