Gatto site and death in Disney story

Francesco gerba at
Thu Aug 2 16:43:11 CEST 2001

Thank you all person that write me in private (and not).
Than Don Rosa tells, I write 6 page whit some curiosity about Lo$ for special book tell "D.u.c.k." (Dedicated Uncle Carl by Keno) edited in 1997 about Disney Italy.
I counted Stated which U$ stay in his life and I reported it, and friends, and persons which was hostile to Scrooge and lot of many curiosity.
I don't know when but if you want I take on line this pages. (I thing about next weekend, near 10 august).

At there is a history of Gatto in Deutch but there isn't 6th page of it and the story isn't complete. Can you take me page that insn't here, Hans? So thank you for scan.

About English version of this site... after summer... why not. I hope that in december English version is started but I don't know. For now I want do lot of possible in Italian.

About dead in Disney story there is another story where Donald and Gladstone inherit one car and one hotel by Uncle Jasperduck. It was the story I TL 2026 4 (Induck's Code) "Hotel Papeino"  written by Francois Corteggiani ad drawn by Silvio Camboni.

Another story, "Paperino e il primo dollaro d'oro" written by Roberto Renzi (it isn't a big artist... he written an history, drawn by Gatto"Eta Beta e il razzo scomparso" (I TL 268), where Eega Beewa has got her legs extendibile than Tiramolla, a famous character of another Italian comics) and drawn by Luciano Gatto is pubblished in Topolino 254 of 9 october 1960. In this story Donald is nomined heir universal of his Uncle Scrooge becouse he died in an incident by plane. In Italy (about Inducks) it's reprint only in "Albo della Rosa" 554.

See you soon...

if you want talk me in private write at gerba at

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