Changed art in pocket books

Petri Kanninen pkannine at
Sun Aug 5 17:38:45 CEST 2001

> printing of the German pocket book "Lustige Taschenbücher" no.1 
> contains Bottaro's I TL  385-A without redrawn panels, whereas all 
> other printings of that issue contain redrawn panels by Perego. But 

It was also published in original form in Denmark too. I have a scan
that shows the Danish version. Someone told about it on this list
before and uploaded the scan.
I put the scan at

> reprints of I TL 466-B, have already been mentioned (and shown) in 
> Boemund von Hunoltstein's book "Ehapa durchleuchtet". He made 
> great efforts to list lots of cases of changed artwork (from minor 
> changes like removing dollar signs or guns to cutting complete 
> panels or pages). It's a really interesting book!

This got me interested! Could you tell the publisher and ISBN-number
so I could harass my bookstore to order it for me.

Petri Kanninen (pkannine at
Aku Ankan taskukirja -tietokanta: http:/

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