DCML digest #643
Don Rosa
donrosa at iglou.com
Fri Aug 24 15:32:50 CEST 2001
From: Kriton Kyrimis <kyrimis at cti.gr>
>>>in Greece,
a marriage between Donald and Daisy under these circumstances would
be considered incestuous and would not be permitted. The only way two
siblings would be allowed to marry two other siblings in Greece, would
be if they got married at the same time.
That's wild! I can't imagine why it would not be allowed. If it's okay for
the first two to get married, what could be wrong with the second two? Or
why would it make a difference if they were married at the same time?
"In-laws" do not suddenly become blood-relations at the instant of their
siblings' marriage. But... this is off topic, eh?
From: Shelley Hanson/KlezmerAllThatJazz
<klezmerallthatjazz at earthlink.net>
>>>I personally find the idea of Donald and Daisy being anything other than
completely unrelated to be very unsettling and kind of disgusting,
Still off-topic, but I'm just curious as to why this is unsettling for
Europeans! If Daisy's brother married Donald's sister, there would *still*
be no relation between Daisy and Donald, much less a "disgusting" one.
>>>Question for Don Rosa: if a couple gets divorced in Kentucky, are they
brother and sister?
Oh, sure, they'd still be brother and sister, only the divorced brother
would get the trailer, the sister would get the junked car in the front
yard, and still neither of them would know where Sweden is or what a
"Denmark" was. (My nearest neighbor across the valley here in Kentucky
thinks "Denmark" is a town in Germany.)
From: WL Lilly <liljerryandtheyadayadakiddz at yahoo.com>
(referring to Steve Geppi, our only hope for a publisher of Disney comics
in America):
>>>>But , I believe , has never actually PUBLISHED
comics...or anything else...with regularity , anyway !
Ah, he certainly has! Numerous successful books and magazine and comic
series... though admittedly only for the comic-shops (collector's) market,
but that's the only market for such things that we have here.
>>>>Also , actually , I really don't think comics
shops-only Disney comics would be what Disney would
want - Or really be likely to make sufficient $ to
turn a profit . Revived U.S. Disney comics would have
to have some newsstand ( meaning - " non-comics shop "
, anyway ) distribution , I think . Would Geppi
propose to do that ?
A nice hope, but probably not. There're no buyers for Disney comic books on
the newsstands, and precious few for them in the comic stores. If you want
to ever again see Disney comics in the English language, you might have to
bite the bullet and recognize there will never again be a mass market for
these things with the American public (not as long as there is reading
required), so if you want them at all, you'll probably have to settle for
fairly (or rahthuh!) expensive collector's versions, as with the final
years of the Gladstones. I still frequently hear jaded fans claim that
those expensive Gladstone issues were a method to try to greedily maximize
profits... in truth, those expensive issues were a method to keep
English-language Disney comics in existence, period.
>>>>Actually mass market/mewsstand
distribution of " regular " magazines in the U.S. -
Well, the last three you mention have always been fluff, but yes, TIME and
NEWSWEEK and even the formerly classy U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT are
recognizing that they must pander to the viewers of "Oprah" rather than
people seeking news commentary, and these magazines now usually
cover-feature sensationalistic stories about movie stars or about
"relationships" and life-styles, a' la COSMO. If this is the case with the
*best* magazine titles in America, can you wonder what problems there are
trying to get these people's children to buy decent entertainment in
comics, or to buy comics at all? If the people at TIME magazine are worried
about the possibility of a day when there is no longer any TIME magazine,
the same situation obviously would occur to comic books in general and
Disney comics in particular sooner than that... and I fear we have already
passed that point. I will be very (though pleasantly) surprised if I ever
again see my own work in a language I can read. So let's not quibble about
how Di$ney comics might be revived by Steve Geppi. Let's just hope he can
do it in any way he can!
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