Teddy Roosevelt

Fabio Blanco longtom at oeste.com.ar
Sat Aug 25 19:30:21 CEST 2001

This message will don't have the worth and charm of your marvelous letter,
Don Rosa, but I need thanks you for that panoramic frame of your love for
history, nature and for these two characters TR and U$ :)

I don't think this is off-topic. And if is it, I prefer over incestuous

I am amazing about know so an ignorance in the american people. Indeed, I
know about the cartoon that originated the Teddy Bear, where TR say he cant
shot over the little cute bear cub... (I laugh a lot when I remember this
Maybe you did read the script from the film director Josh Becker named "T.R.
in the Badlands". Is on line in www.beckerfilms.com . Becker is a fanatic
believer in three act aristotelic form of narrating, and have a great love
for history...

In my country, Argentina, we are very autocritic about our knowledge on our
history. We admire (north)americans for can laugh and talk, and parody his
historical heroes. Here, when a book says that General San Martin --our most
great patriotic hero from the Wars of Independence, the guy who attack by
surprise to the spanish army, crossing the Andes (you see, thats no
off-topic)-- have a lover, or about his birth line or something like that,
there big polemics discussion in radio and t.v..
Very few of people go beyond. Maybe you could like another hero of me, the
first corsair at the orders of our first government independent of Spain. He
was Hipolito Bouchard who did travel Pacific Ocean, atacking slaving ships,
free slaves, and making diplomacy (the polinesian people of Kame-ha Meha was
the first on accept us like a nation!).
He did reach California, and believe or not, he did take Monterrey by a week
or two. So California was argentinian for a time... LOL!

Well this IS off topic. I thanks again the former message, your sincerity
about the issue, and the apetite for know more about TR you awake in me.

Best Regards!!

Fabio Blanco

(from a sunny Buenos Aires)

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