Infernal Mickey
Paolo Castagno
p.castagno at
Mon Aug 27 23:19:29 CEST 2001
> This came up in the Finnish comics newsgroup. The INDUCKS says that the
> German reprint of L'inferno di Topolino is a censored version. Does
> anybody know what is censored?
Maybe they censored (as in many Italian reprints of the original story) the
scenes where some damned were cut in pieces by fans... not Disney fans like
us, but the fans supposed to create wind!
If you want to see when it was reprinted in Italy, check
- Paolo
-- mailto:p.castagno at
'Gli antefatti regionali della preistorica era
paleozontolorabarbenzolpliocenica rivelano che gli strati del terzo periodo
miocenico sono pieni di tane di talpe bla bla bla...'
(Il conferenziere in W OS 300-02)
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