Anders Christian Sivebaek
acsive at mail.mira.dk
Wed Jul 18 19:46:27 CEST 2001
Hi friends
As told I've recently been in Holland.
I don't want to talk much about transportatation cause it's more cheap
than fast to go to Holland by route-bus...
Well, I arrived in Groningen at 9 saturday morning. Because of the
ducth train-system Duco didn't arrive at the main station before some
minutes later. Then we went to the store were Duco works. And to the
market, and back again to open the store. It's a nice comic-store named
after a dutch comic charecter Ambrosius. I browsed around all the
comics for some time, finding this and that album, magazine and pocket
book that I would like.
I found some thick Duck-books and some weeklies, and got the preview of
the coming publications form VNU and such.
Customers came and went, and they all talked dutch about comics. At 1
pm the owner of the store arrived. He was a nice and friendly person,
and talkative all 3 times we visitted the store.
After some talking Duco and I went to buy some things to eat in the
week. After fetching the stuff we took the train to Duco's part of
time. and went to Duco's house.
I know Duco was very happy about the things that made my bags heavy.
Scarpa, an old Milton comic, quite a stack of norwegian Rosas and the
newest danish Rosas.
I'm starting to realise I should have made a diary (in the notebook
that I lost?) or written this earlier, cause I can'øt part days from
Every day was nice, reading comics, talking to eachother, going out to
eat a pizza (twice) and such.
Before more writing of comic stores I do remember what happened Sunday.
- I've known Harry Fluks via email and this list since 1998, but untill
that sunday I hadn't meat him.
But then, the bell rang and I did. We had a nice evening talking,
changing comics and looking at the interesting thing Duco has. Allready
at this time, my bags started to gain weight again, cause Harry had
brought with him the new holiday-book (with a nice story about Donald a
a peanut-seller and Scrooge losing his money), a stack of german
doubles - many of those with Rosa, some ducth doubles and two
Advance-things that first didn't attract my interest.
Later when I found out they had a parted Rosa-interview from the
beginning of the 90'es I got really interested. And later when I read
the interview, I exclaimed: That's the best interview with Don that I
read (becuase of certain things stated there).
Harry brought his camera, and so did I, so we had some fun taking
photoes of the 2/3 of us in interesting places. On Harry's photo-page
you can, so far, see the photoes Harry took (on pic. 3 my camera is
shown). I really had some problems with the zoom! The green
"too-close-indicator" seemed to blink all the time. In a couple of days
I'll get my photoes back from the developer and scan them - Harry will
show some on the same page.
The talking went on, about certain Barks-stories, ducth reprints,
editors, indexes and such. Unfortunately Harry is allergic (to cats,
and Duco has 2/3 of them) so he had to leave, even though he thought
the cats were nice.
I have allergy too, but luckily not towards cats, and these ones I
really liked. My grass-allergy was hard on me some of the days.
One of the following days we went on the big round of comic-shops where
I found many things.
Holliday-books with Rosa-stories, weeklies with Milton-stories and
backcovers (from 1991).
In the store where those weeklies lied around, many in dreadfull state,
Duco claims he was in life danger because of boxes moving above
head-hight! Yikes... Luckily he got out alive and healthy, and brought
me a stack of DD Extras with Rosa-stories.
Duco also found some Scarpa in german pocket-books for himself here
(some looked like the ones I once found for Ole:-)
In the store were Duco works I found some more Milton backcovers, and
later Duco saw to it that my DD 1991 is complete. I hope it's easy to
replace those comics you took out, Duco!
Now, let me thank Duco for his great company, make him say hello to the
cats from me, and also thank him for unlimeted access to his huge
collection of comics that he likes. (Barks Library, complete
Rosa-collection and many many other things).
Thanks for coping with my company:-)
Thanks also to Harry for meeting me there, and for making sure my bags
were just as heavy when I went home as when I got there.
And thanks to A'dam Police for advicing me to stay at Shiphol (A'dam
Airport) for the night, as the trains didn't fit for the morning - I
had a good night there.
Your travelling Mac (reference to Muppet's Fraggles - whereever that
came from)
A. C. Sivebaek
acsive at mail.mira.dk
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