How to get the Don Rosa poster in Sarjainfo fanzine

Ivo van Wieringen I.van.wieringen at
Fri Jun 8 13:46:41 CEST 2001

Harry replied:

>>Ivo (welkom - where in Holland do you live?) :

I live in a small town called Velserboek in the neighbourhood of Haarlem. I
did make a few postings on this list, but most of the time I am lurking.
Harry, I like your anouncements of (Don Rosa) stories that are going to be
published in the DD extra. How do you get that information ? Connections
with the VNU ?

Harry you replied on my message:

>>Bigger scans of Rosa's drawings can be found on my website:

These are bigger scans indeed, but the quality is not high, not all of the
details can be seen.

>>They are scans from the program book of the "EC reunion 2000" dinner in
>>Diego (that's where the drawings were auctioned).

That is information that I wanted, I contacted Jeff Vaughn of EC
Comics/Gemstone publishing. He told that these parodies not published
anywere in the form of a poster because of multiple copyright issues
involved. Snif, not so nice.
I am now trying the get the program book of EC reunion 2000. Thanks for your
info Harry.


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