Italian Caballero's comics...

Fernando Ventura fernandopventura at
Sun Jun 17 04:14:37 CEST 2001

Ok, here I go again...I really like the Caballeros...some italian member
wants to trade Zio Paperone # 141 with brazilian stuff? And a Disney's new
comic Witch?

I can send the Zé Carioca with Don's Caballeros story, for example and some
more comics! I know this Caballero's adaptation wasn't so great visually as
the post Walt Kelly's Pogo strips, but it's a very important issue in any

I was checking on the Inducks and I saw that there are a Caballeros story
that Carpi drew..."I tre caballeros e la guerra dei juke-boxes" someone can
show me some scan of it? I'm really curious to see how this great italian
artist drew Panchito and José! :)

Thanks a lot!

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