How to read DD

Anders Christian Sivebaek acsive at
Mon Jun 18 21:30:16 CEST 2001


Welcome to this list! 

I borrowed the book some times, and read here an there. 
I eg. used it in connection with a school report on Disney, Barks,
Don,charecters and analysis of the ducks. 
My opinion back then, towards the book was very negative, in a perhaps
childish way. I saw it as an insult to me. 
I never had the chance to get to buy the book, as that would make me
read it eventually. 

One thing I can say is that it might be made on a wrong reason, the
chilean duck comics, which had been translated, and perhaps not by good
translators and thereby becoming something else than original. All
editions of the book were translated back into the published language
from the chilean dialogue in the comic-book examples. 

I must say their angryness towards capitalism is somewhat
understandable, but it's unfair against Scrooge. 
Reasons: He is a gag, put together of capitalists, Barks most possibly
made him as somehow ridicoulous in his richness as possible, so that it
would be obvious that he's making fun of other capitalists. 
And, In any case I don't see what's wrong about working ones hard way
to the top - Somehow Scrooge might be an evil capitalist, but he
litterary has a heart of gold - his payment to the employees is maybe
not to be discussed...

Your english is fine, Eero - the word you thought about, btw. the black
stuff, is called Omnisolve. 

A. C. Sivebaek
acsive at

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