Swedish sodapop

Stefan Diös pyas at swipnet.se
Wed Jun 20 09:18:09 CEST 2001

P.A. (Per Anders) Westrin, the Swedish "Kalle Anka & C:o" translator 
1957-1981, has described in various interviews how the word "läskeblask" 
originated. He always worked together with his wife Maibrit, although only 
the husband's name appeared in the magazine. If I recall correctly, they 
have even specified that this particular word was created by Maibrit.

According to the Westrins, they ran across an Italian story some time 
during the 60's, in which the Ducks enjoyed champagne or something like 
that. Well, we have a slightly different culture up north, and there was an 
absolute ban against mentioning alcoholic beverages in our Disney stories 
at that time. Almost as bad as sex! So they came up with the funny word 
"läskeblask" to describe the fizzy-looking liquid. Later, they found the 
word so useful that they put it in even when no "censorship" was necessary 
- and it stuck, way beyond their own active years, up to a point where it 
almost was overused whenever something drinkable was shown or mentioned. 
Sometimes it seemed that sodapop stories were created just in order to use 
the L word! We should note that the Westrins often used other, more normal 
words in cases where their followers would have been happy to have some 

This word has become a natural part of the Swedish language. I don't think 
it's in any dictionary yet, but it should be, as everyone would understand 
it and it's not unlikely to show up in less-than-formal conversation. And 
it's a genuine Swedish contribution, too. The other household word in our 
language from the Duck stories, "Långtbortistan", was also "created" by the 
Westrins around this time, but it seems to have been inspired by the very 
similar name already used, I believe, in Denmark.

Anyway, if their recollection is correct, the first occurrence of 
"läskeblask" in Sweden cannot have been "Bubbleweight Champ" by Barks, 
which appeared in KA # 49/1964. Hmm, is "läskeblask" really used in that 
one? I don't have access to it now, and I only seem to remember 
"Bubbelblurp". Maybe both drinks were used. I'm surprised that some 
insane... I mean, diligent Swedish Donaldist hasn't plowed through all the 
60's issues to really establish when and where this very important word was 
coined. Insane Donaldist that I am, I would be the first one to applaud 
such a feat!

Stefan Dios
Malmo, Sweden

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