Original names needed...

Wolfsong wolfsong at mpinet.net
Thu Mar 1 18:15:22 CET 2001

Gilles MAURICE wrote:

> Hi!I need other Original Names!In DDFC 422 (The Gilded Man), what is
> the stamps collector name, and what is the city were Susibelle lived
> after Guyana and before Duckburg?

In my copy of the story published in the 1978 book DONALD DUCK - BEST
COMICS the collector's name is Philo T. Ellic, and between British
Guiana and Duckburg Susiebelle Swan lived in Mudhen, Ohio and Webfoot,
Oregon respectively.

Keep in mind that I've noticed that details such as these sometimes
differ among different publications.

I don't have any information on the other story you asked about.

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