Komix #153

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Mon Mar 5 08:28:12 CET 2001

Here's what's in this month's issue of Komix, which is a 100-page Carl
Barks centennary special:

* Cover based on Barks' oil painting, "The Expert". I have put a scan in
* Three pages with "the news of Komix".
* Bars' "The Unsafe Safe" from Uncle Scrooge #38.
* A one-page introduction titled "a century with Carl Barks", subtitled "the
  life and times of a great storyteller.
* A four-page article titled "the first steps of a great man", subtitled "the
  farm boy who would become an artist".
* Barks' "Camera Crazy", from WDC&S #46.
* A four-page article titled "when Carl met Donald", subtitled "Carl Barks in
  Walt Disney's studio".
* Barks' "Gladstone's Luck" from WDC&S #131.
* A four-page article titled "the epic of Barks' ducks", subtitled "from
  Donald cartoons to uncle Scrooge comics".
* Barks' "Deep Down Doings" from Uncle Scrooge #37.
* A five-page article titled "the years of glory", subtitled "in 1966 Carl
  Barks retires from action".
* A four-page article titled "Carl Barks' characters", subtitled "from cartoon
  Donald to comic book uncle Scrooge.
* Barks' "Wily Rival" from Uncle Scrooge #34.
* A two-page article titled "in Bugs Bunny's lair", subtitled "bears and
  rabbits with Carl Barks signature.
* Barks' "Losing Face" from WDC&S #204.

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis)
"Impossible is just another word for `I don't undestand'."

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