Square eggs

Olivier mouse-ducks at wanadoo.fr
Wed Mar 7 00:52:09 CET 2001

>>As I recall from the "Plain Awful" story, square eggs have been known to
>>cause "ptomaine ptosis of the ptummy -- a condition in which the gastric
>>ducts die themselves into square knots."
What a great memory!

>> I don't remember, however, the eggs' flavor quality.  Anyone else recollect?
It's awful, I remember.

Back to the story for more details (pp 4-5):

        (Donald)    " *Gah* !....!!! Very odd flavor!
                            But maybe the professor will like it!"
        (2nd Assistant, Mr Womsley)    "Arrr-rrgh!!! Ghastly flavor,
                                                              but maybe the professor will like it!"
        (1st Assistant, Mr Tombsbury)    "Yoops! Rather a *mellow* sort of  thing!
                                                                But maybe the professor will like
        (Professor Artefact McArchives)    No comment, he's too sick--
                                                                     so he must not have liked it!

But once the ducks are in Plain Awful, there are no such comments,
just variations on the way you can cook eggs (pp 21-3):
        poached eggs
        scrambled eggs
        boiled eggs
        "fried aigs"

So it seems the boys just did not know how to do them right.
Or they were simply spoilt-- p 4: "These things may *thousands* of  years old!"
After all, these are the same eggs the old man says "[he] saw when
[he] was a muchacho" (p 13) and his father gave "to the padre in Cuzco",
who in turn gave them to "Professah Rhutt Betlah", which means they must be,
say, about 60 years old!

                                                                                    off  to sleep;
per chance, to dream--

not of eggs, I hope...

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