Re 440: Harry, Dutch Rosa
Anders Christian Siveb¾k
anders_sivebaek at
Wed Mar 14 14:58:52 CET 2001
>> > Anything Rosa
>> > has never been published in the (most popular and more
>> > widely read) weekly comic.
>> Just for the record, that is not true. The dutch weekly of course
>> published the story that Don did for them, the H-coded ones.
>Just for the record, that is not true.
Hehe. I', sorry I was too general there I guess.
>Some H-coded Rosa stories were published in the weekly. Others were stowed
>away in holiday specials (Vakantieboek) and DD Extra.
Okay, I do remember now.
Well, this shows what i was wanting to write in the last dcml, that the
dutch weekly, the editor or someone in power must hate Don Rosa or
hopefully (?!) just his comics so much that they
1. don't want the stories in the weekly (with exceptions like some h-coded
ones and now maybe the 3 cabelleroes)
2. Put covers on the DD Extras with Don's stories by another artist, even
though iut would be easy to get the original ones. Some of those covers
look horrid. others are just overdrawn from Rosa.
3. The translation of kalevala that you mentioned, Harry.
4. The family tree which was in a dutch album.
The only positive thing, I see, about the ducth Rosa-publication, are the
albums, which are something we don't have where I live. That they publish
a new album with Croesus is great.
Well, some of you surely now more about the dutch tradition and editors
than me. I just don't, as a Rosa-reader, understand why they if they hate
the stories and covers, just don't publish them instead of ruining them.
On the other hand, that would be sad for you, my dutch friends, and it
would be sad for me to as I wouldn't have the dutch Rosa-publication to
show of, as at least a bad example.
The Coin in dutch (This would stand as an example alone...)
>And also one American Rosa story was published in the weekly. Long ago.
>Thom Roep wasn't looking.
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