Captain Kentucky and Lancelot Pertwillaby -- together!

Lunnan & Hjort brit.lunnan at
Thu Mar 22 06:28:51 CET 2001

Another relevant comment re The Don Rosa Archives I & II,
    . The Pertwillaby Papers 
    . Captain Kentucky  
The major role in these two books is reserved the same person,
namely Lancelot Pertwillaby (who also has a certain likeness
to his creator), but obviously in very different roles, almost 
in different literary universes. It is therefore a rather spectacular
event that these two _meet each other_, in one single dramatic 
scene, in a drawing never before shown to the world. 
CK and LP are at opposite sides of an obviously too old 
and primitive bridge stretching across a dangerous crevass 
in (an alternate section of) the Andes. Between and besides them 
is a mixture of characters from the two books.

So, how can you see this poster-like scene? The only possibility
is to acquire a "special limited edition" version of the PP & CK 
books, again via the Gazette-to-Tronsmo link I gave some minutes
ago. This limited edition is not the tripling-price elephant-skin 
Picasso-signed type version, as such things go, but a more basic,
pedestrian, not-horribly-priced limited edition with a "diploma",
essentially consisting of the mini-poster I described above, supplied
with a relevant text, given a number (only 150 copies are made), 
and signed by Don Rosa. More information about this: to come 
quite soon, also to the Gazette-to-Tronsmo website . 

Nils Lid Hjort 

who (a) hopes this finds its way to the DCML even when mailed 
from his home address and who (b) makes his apologies for the 
sales-pitchy comments he makes on this particular occasion. 
His excuses are that (c) he and his editorial helpers don't earn a 
crown or Duckburg Dollar from their efforts and that he (d) 
often enough attempts to contribute pure non-sales-related 
genuine-interest-only comments and messages to the DCML.  

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