Zio Paperone #138

Francesco Spreafico frspreaf at tin.it
Sun Mar 25 22:21:39 CEST 2001

Kriton's (once Archontis's) monthly "column" about Komix got me to think
that maybe even the Italian Zio Paperone may deserve one.
In theory it should be interesting only for Italian readers, but if this
were true, Kriton's komix mails should be interesting only for Greek, and
that's not true, since I find it interesting, so... ;-)

Zio Paperone #138, March 2001.
- Cover by Marco Rota (it always is), illustrating "Somwhere in Nowhere";
- A little note by the editor promoting the Italian upcoming book to
celebrate Barks's 100th birthday;
- An article by Luca Boschi telling the meeting between Carl Barks and Don
Rosa in 1998;
- An illustration with a Xmas tree by Don Rosa from Picsou 347 (FC PM
- A one-page article by Alberto Becattini about Barks's "Firebug" and the
"censor" Buettner;
- Barks's "Firebug" (W OS  108-02);
- An article by Luca Boschi about "Somewhere in Nowhere" (Already
published in TESORI #3);
- Barks's, Lustig's, Block's "Somewhere in Nowhere" (note: ONLY in
Italian, like the rest of the mag);
- A one-page article by Alberto Becattini about "Storm Dancers";
- Jippes version of Barks's "Storm Dancers" (H 92012);
- Rota's "The Talking Totem" (D 96354);
- Two Barks's one-pagers: W OS  199-03 and W OS  199-04;
- Barks's "US in Egypt" (W US   25-05);
- Backcover by Rota with the usual Barks's pig villain.;

That's all for this month, just a question: "Barks'" or "Barks's"?? :-)


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