453, ZP

Anders Christian Siveb¾k anders_sivebaek at nns.dk
Mon Mar 26 18:12:41 CEST 2001

>Kriton's (once Archontis's) monthly "column" about Komix got me to think
>that maybe even the Italian Zio Paperone may deserve one.
>In theory it should be interesting only for Italian readers, but if this
>were true, Kriton's komix mails should be interesting only for Greek, and
>that's not true, since I find it interesting, so... ;-)

>Zio Paperone #138, March 2001.
>- Cover by Marco Rota (it always is), illustrating "Somwhere in Nowhere";
>- Barks's, Lustig's, Block's "Somewhere in Nowhere" (note: ONLY in
>Italian, like the rest of the mag);
This sounds very great. 
I'm coming to Italy in the easter holdays so I hope this issue will still
be on the stands by then. 
So what if it's only in italian, ZP is a great magazine, and the first to
publish the story, nomatter which quality it actually has. 

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