Abranz, Bradbury and so on

Luca Boschi cnotw at zen.it
Wed May 2 02:01:14 CEST 2001

Hi, all!

Some monts ago, some of us were speking about the possibilithat in the 60s
some stories produced by the Studio were coproduced by different artists,
joined together. Some of us, like Eta Beta, wrote that maybe some stories
starring $crooge were a mix among Carey, Abranz and some unknown inker...

Well, some days ago, at the Torino comic convention I found an old
"Almanacco Topolino" where one of them was printed. It has no code (as usual
in that period) but its Italian title is PIPPO CLOWN DA NOLEGGIO, four pages
long. (AT # 3, March 1966).
Well, if Goofy is drawn by Jack Bradbury (is possible to compare it with the
story TOPOLINO E LA POSTA DEL MULO, printed in the same book some pages
later) all the secondary characters are "pure" Fred Abranz. Mickey looks
like if he were drawn by two different artists, or if the inker (the same
Abranz? So it seems) changed his look a little bit in the panels.
This coproduction is even more recognizable becouse some characters don't
match in the panels. The Bradbury's one are smaller than the Abranz' ones.
Goofy and the baker in the first page are a good example. So: I assume that
Jack drew all "his" Goofys and Mickeys only by pencils. Later, Abranz (maybe
with another guy) drew the remaining things and inked the pages.

Do you know something more about?

Well, in the book I find also the only Mad Madam Mim story "a solo" drawn by
Hubbard that I know. Drawn for the Studio Program, it's MAGA MAGO' CUOCA DI
BORDO (no code but S 65139). Seven pages long.



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