DCML digest, Vol 1 #540 - 9 msgs

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Wed May 23 12:26:46 CEST 2001


> So, unless one of them has moved, Scrooge and Donald live
> in the same street. :-)

I believe that Donald has been shown to move in several Barks stories.
As for Scrooge, there are several stories where the money bin is moved,
changed, or demolished. In addition, there is also Scrooge's mansion
from Christmas on Bear Mountain, which would mean that there would be
two addresses where uncle Scrooge could be reached.


> Hi there! I've just read the "new" Don Rosa story, the one where...

You mean the one many readers of this list have not read yet, and would
not want their fun spoiled by having part of the plot revealed? ;-)

(Re: the number of the seventh Beagle Boy.)

I think that assigning numbers from a set of six to the beagle Boys,
then showing a seventh one whose number is not shown, or tantalizingly
half-shown as "176-" was meant as a joke which was invented by Barks
and which Don apparently uses in his new story.

Apart from this, however, Barks has shown a lot more than these six
numbers.  Several years ago, I counted no less than forty different Beagle
Boys (all in the 176- range, apart from Grandpa beagle, whose number is
186-802)! That posting is apparently not archived, but you can find an
article based on it at http://www.seriesam.com/barks/40_beagle_boys.htm

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis)
"I am not a student of human nature.  I am a professor of a far wider academy,
 of which human nature is merely a part."

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