DCML digest #719
Don Rosa
donrosa at iglou.com
Fri Nov 2 14:19:55 CET 2001
From: Goofy313g at aol.com (Gilles)
Subject: BB vs Money Bin, Money Bin Plans, BB numbers ( to Don Rosa)
>>>>I loved the story the Beagle Boys vs the Money Bin, published this
month in
Picsou Magazine!!!
I have some questions:
About the Money Bin Plans:
In the version of the plans that had been scanned by a member of the list
(drawn black on white),
Um... that means they scanned a version that I sent them by e-mail and
which they were NOT supposed to reproduce for anyone, much less make
available on the Internet. Would the person who did this write to me so I
can find out why this happened?
>>>>the designer of the plans was Keno Don Rosa, and in
the french publication (drawn white on blue), it is "F. L. Braque"
Are there 2 versions of this plan, or did the translators change the facts?
The version meant for publication left the name of the architect up to the
translator, but the name used in my script was "F. L. Drake" (the "F.L."
suggested by Frank Lloyd).
>>>>How could Scrooge know there would be a trophy's room and a worry room
the Bin was built?
Because he already had lots of trophies and he already worried a lot.
That's obvious, eh?
>>>About the BB numbers:
In Lo$ 2, the Beagle Boys (fathers of the actual Beagle Boys) have numbers
beginning by 167.
Only on one page when I apparently blacked out or something.
>>>Why, didn't u keep saying that Blackheart had the number 186-802,
I have done so. As Barks had it in "The Money Well".
...and you continue to list the errors in the original printings of
chapters 2 and 6 of the "Lo$". These were usually corrected in reprints,
but it *astounds* me that, as anal-retentively careful and precise as I am
about details, I made these mistakes on the BB's serial numbers... and I
made another mistake in one panel of that "BB vs. the Money Bin" story
showing two BB's with the same number. The only explanation I can come up
with is that I sketch in a number while penciling the entire story,
intending to hurry along and check on the correct number later when inking.
Then weeks later when I ink those panels, I assume I penciled in the number
I wanted and ink it and speed on. Still, I should *know* that BB numbers
don't begin with "167".
So, you're wanting to know what is correct?
>>>Finally, in "The Beagle Boys vs the money bin, the daddies are shown to
the numbers "176-167, 176-671, and 176-176.
THAT is the correct version. It comes from the numbers shown on those three
in Barks' untitled flashback story, his only story similar to what I do in
the "Lo$" series, which appeared in our giant-size one-shot UNCLE $CROOGE
GOES TO DI$NEYLAND in 1957. That story might be termed "Lo$" chapter 2´
(two-prime); it can't be 1B or 2B since it takes place *inside* the
timespan covered by my chapter 2.
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