Archontis Pantsios
apantsio at ac.anatolia.edu.gr
Mon Nov 19 10:27:40 CET 2001
Fellow Quackeroos:
One more week of Greek Disneys:
1) MIKY MAOUS #1843, November 9, 2001
a) Magica de Spell in "La furia degli elementi", from "Topolino" #2277, 1999
(42 pages). Script: Lello Arena & Francesco Artibani; Art: Giorgio
Cavazzano. (My note: This story is a "sequel" to "La pietra pantarba", TL
#2043, 1995 by the same set of creators. Both stories are excellent!)
b) Donald Duck in "Il ferro portafortuna", from "Topolino" #698, 1969 (15
pages). Script: Rodolfo Cimino; Art: Giorgio Cavazzano. (My note: A very
different Cavazzano style compared to the one above; after all, this was
Cavazzano's only 5th or 6th "solo" try.)
c) Mickey Mouse in "The Case of the Vanishing Buttons", WDC&S #468, 1979 (11
pages). Script: Unknown; Art: Paul Murry.
d) Lil' Bad Wolf in "The Nightmare", WDC&S #421, 1975 (6 pages). Script:
Unknown; Art: Jack Bradbury.
2) DONALD #48, November 2001
a) Donald Duck in "La festa miliardaria", from "Paperino" #210, 1997 (30
pages). Script: Carmen Gozzo; Art: Sandro Dossi.
b) Uncle Scrooge in "La valle lentissima", from "Paperino Mese" #166, 1994
(31 pages). Script: Fabio Michelini; Art: Gianpaolo Soldati.
c) Donald Duck in "La grande sagra", from "Paperino" #210, 1997 (30 pages).
Script: Tito Faraci; Art: Lucio Leoni.
Interesting news: in addition to December's KOMIX being a Walt Disney
Centennial special issue re-printing Hank Porter's "Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs" and Don Rosa's "Hearts of the Yukon", MIKY MAOUS #1847, scheduled to
hit the stands in Athens on Dec. 7, will also be a WD centennial issue:
it'll be extra thick (196 pages) and will also feature articles and
"interviews", something atypical of MM.
'Til next week,
Archontis L. Pantsios, Ph.D.
Assistant Academic Dean & Professor of Economics
The American College of Thessaloniki
Phone #: +30-310-398228
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