Disney artists appearing in their own stories

Fluks, H.W. H.W.Fluks at kpn.com
Mon Oct 29 09:45:11 CET 2001

Ari wrote:

> And Barks also included himself in The Christmas Cha Cha, W DG 26-01: 
> "Wanted for being bad".

Which, in turn, led Rosa to make a similar drawing in one of his stories,
with the text "Wanted for being DAD". 8-)

Carl Barks has been drawn as the bookkeeper of Glomgold in a Ducktales

The Dutch artists also drew each other now and then. I remember drawings of
Ed van Schuijlenburg, Jan Kruse, and Carl Barks.

I plan to (eventually) include such drawings in my website about the Dutch
Disney comics:


Harry Fluks                          ()_()           Leidschendam, the
http://home.wxs.nl/~fluks4            (_)
H.W.Fluks at kpn.com
INDUCKS coordinator        "Wie ben ik? Wat doe ik hier? Waar is mijn

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