R: Disney artists appearing in their own stories

Luca Boschi cnotw at zen.it
Mon Oct 29 13:45:11 CET 2001

Hi, Timo ! 

> I also know one italian story where Walt Disney appears, but don't remember
> it's name right now. I think there is dozens of occurrences like these.

One of the most famous is "La Strada", with Fellini and so on, drawn by
Cavazzano. But there is a Scarpa one, too, with MM.

And some references in two stories, a Walt Kelly one (DD and the 7 Dwarfs)
and a MM's Sunday Pages (Brave Little Tailor), both now reprinted in
"Fantastico Walt".

Indeed, there is also a D. Branca's story which contains an Ulrich Schoroder
caricature. Do you want know what (I must check), or you already know it?


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