R: Disney artists appearing in their own stories

Luca Boschi cnotw at zen.it
Mon Oct 29 15:03:31 CET 2001

Oh, yes, Apostolis!

> There's another story about Walt Disney's life which
> is titled "Et tout a Commence par une Souris" (1988, 8
> pages). It has been published on Komix #106 (April
> 1997). Does anybody here know the story?

Oh, yes! In the Disney book "Fantastico Walt", in the bookshops in November
(edited by Lidia Cannatella, with articles by me, A. Becattini, F.
Fiecconi), this story is included, too.
Readers from all the world car read ita again, from now on, since the book
is translted worldwide.
The art is by the italian cartoonist R. Marcello, now working for Sergio
Bonelli (his Tex Willer in a "must") and who drem some stories of Zorro for
"Le Journal de Mickey", many years ago.


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